Advanced Python

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    Advanced Python

    Year 4 : Advanced Python

    Requirements : Age 12+

    Duration : 32 hours ( 4 Months )

    What is this Course ?

    1. Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.
    2. Python’s simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance.
    3. Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse.

    Why this Course ?

    1. Python’s applications are getting increased day by day.
    2. 1000’s of web, mobile, desktop applications being developed in Python.
    3. Most of the Industries are depending more on Python.
    4. Example Applications like Web and Internet development , Scientific and Numeric Computing, GUI’s and apps in desktop and mobile devices, software development, Embedded projects, Robotics, AI, Machine Learning etc.

    Learning Outcome

    1. Understand why Python is a useful scripting language for developers.
    2. Learn how to design and program Python applications.
    3. Learn how to use lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python programs.
    4. Learn how to identify Python object types.
    5. Learn how to use indexing and slicing to access data in Python programs.
    6. Define the structure and components of a Python program.
    7. Learn how to write loops and decision statements in Python.
    8. Learn how to write functions and pass arguments in Python.
    9. Learn how to build and package Python modules for reusability.
    10.Learn how to read and write files in Python.
    11.Learn how to design object‐oriented programs with Python classes.
    12.Learn how to use class inheritance in Python for reusability.
    13.Learn how to use exception handling in Python applications for error handling.

    Skills Acquired

    1. To develop a strong basics in Python Scripting .
    2. To develop student’s critical thinking capabilities and logical learning methodologies.
    3. To start a core career in Python .

    Uses Of Python Programming

    1. Web development
    2. Game Development
    3. Scientific and Numeric Applications
    4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    5. Desktop GUI
    6. Software Development
    7. Enterprise-level/Business Applications
    8. Education programs and training courses
    9. Language Development
    10. Operating Systems
    11. Web Scraping Applications
    12. Image Processing and Graphic Design Applications:


    1. Python Classes and Objects
    2. Object
    3. Class
    4. Inheritance
    5. Polymorphism
    6. Data Abstraction
    7. Encapsulation
    8. Constructors
    9. Static variable
    10. Exception handling
    11. Threading
    12. creating Threads
    13. Thread Synchronization
    14. Lambda Functions
    15. combination with other functions like map,reduce,filter
    16. Iterators
    17. Generators
    18. Regular Expression
    19. MySql
    20. Tkinter
    21. Networking