Dear parents join our vision to educate school children to do industrial hands-on projects in the Industrial revolution 4.0 giants before they turn “16”.
Vision Name: AIE@15
Artificial Intelligence expert @15 years old
This program is designed using a unique concept called “Tech users to tech creators “ we nurture the creativity and innovation skills in them! Through our continuous learning program in this field, kids would become an AI expert @15 years.
They would master any one of the IR4.0 skills before 16 in their passionate areas like Robotics, AI, IoT, Machine Learning, Data Science, etc.
About our Workshop Program
Coding , AI & Robotics Workshop at ( ₹99)
Live zoom sessions on AI, Robotics and coding.
The best part is we actually charge this course 999 Rs, But considering
the current pandemic situation, kids are held up at home we are offering it at 99 rs only.
Coding , AI & Robotics Workshop
5 Days Scratch Game Development
/ Week
- Day 1. Introduction to Computers, input output operations, hardware , software and start the scratch application
- Day 2: Start with animation blocks , Familiarizing with basics of scratch coding apps
- Day 3: Develop games to make a character walk fly and fall!
- Day 4: Develop dance cards games
- Day 5: Develop music cards games and certification ceremony!
- Age : 8 to 11
- Time :3 PM to 4 PM
- Date: SEP 19TH TO SEP 23 RD,2022
5 days Arduino Robotics Junior
/ Week
- DAY 1: Introduction to Robotics & Arduino.
- DAY 2: Learn about basic Arduino coding. Using blocked Simple circuit using with LED & Resistor
- DAY 3: Learn about Sensors- ultrasonic sensor using Arduino blocks.
- DAY 4: Learn about Motor- servomotor using Arduino code blocks.
- DAY 5: Learn to code and explore the coding logic to develop a obstacle avoidance bot
- Age : 8 - 11
- Time : 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm
- Date-May 30th to June 3rd,2022
5 days Mobile App Development
99 Rs
for 5 hours workshop
- DAY 1 : Intro with happy birthday app, Musics app, Animal sounds APP
- DAY 2 : Bouncing Ball
- Age : 8 to 11
- Date: May 30th to June 3rd
- Time : 2 pm to 3 pm
500 Rs
for 5 days workshop
- Day 1:Introduction to Robotics & Arduino
- DAY 2 : Start Coding with Arduino,Explore LED Blinking,Ultrasonic Sensor
- DAY 3 :Learn about Motors
- DAY 4 :Build an Obstacle avoidance Robot Robots
- DAY 5 : Light follower Robot and Autonomous Mobile Robot
- Age : 12+
- Date: May 30th to June 3rd,2022
- Time : 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm
5 days Python Coding
/ Week
- Day 1 - Introduction to Machine language / Compiler / Interpreter.
- Day 2 - Introduction to Python.Data types
- Day 3 - Input Output statements.
- Day 4 - Conditional Statements
- Day 5 - Apply all the above learning to code a Calculator
- Age : 12+
- Time: 10 .30 am to 11.30 am
- Date :May 30th to June 3rd,2022
Register For Your Upcoming Workshop
- Day 1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Familiarizing free AI tools
- Day 2. Introduction to AI chat bots. Build your Own Personal Assistant Chat Bot
- Age : 12+
- Time : TBA
- Date:TBA
3D Designing
- Day 1. Introduction toTINKERCARD - Workplane, Tools, Controls
- Day 2. Making First CAD Model - Fruits, Vegetables, Trees, Staircase
- Day 3. Building farm house
- Day 4. Constructing EIFFEL Tower- Part 1
- Day 5. Constructing EIFFEL Tower- Part 2
- Age : 12+
- Time : 2.00PM TO 3.30PM
- Date :MAR 26TH AND MAR 27TH
C, C++, C# and Game development using Unity
- Day 1: Introduction to C Coding
- Day 2 : Example programs using C " How to fetch student details "
- Day 3: Introduction to C++ Cdoing
- Day 4: Same program using classes in C++ " How to fetch student details "
- Day 5: Apply the same logics in " How to develop games using unity
- Age : 12+
- Date: TBA
- Time : TBA
Learn Artificial Intelligence in 5 days
Register For Your Upcomming Workshop
- Day 1: Introduction to AI
- Day 2: Learn about Data science and machine learning
- Day 3: Learn about Neural Networks
- Day 4: Learn the concepts of Deep learning
- Day 5: Learn about OpenCV and self driving cars algorithm
- Age : 12+ with basic coding knowledge
- Date: TBA
- Time : TBA
Register For Your Upcomming Workshop
- Day 1 - Introduction to web technologies - HTML /CSS/ PHP
- Day 2 - How to develop a basic Static website In 2 Days.
- Age : 12+
- Date : TBA
- Time : TBA
AI Chatbot Development
Register For Your Upcoming Workshop
- Introduction about opencv library, images and it’s representation Reading an image using image library and displaying it Reading a video and displaying it Reading streaming video from webcam and displaying it Creating black image
- Age : 12+
- Time : TBA
Java Beginners
Register For Your Upcomming Workshop
- Day 1: Intro to Java and Java variables
- Day 2: Learn about Java Data Types
- Day 3: Control Statements in Java
- Day 4: Learn about Loops in Java
- Day 5: Develop A simple project
- Age : 12+
- TIME:5PM TO 6.30PM
Register For Your Upcoming Workshop
- Day 1.introduction to data science, introduction to numpy
- Day 2..pandas for data handling , data visualisation using seaborn
- Age : 12+
- Time:TBA
- Date: TBA
3 hours Workshop
- Lego overview & future+ Building virtual Robot
- Basic Coding to Operate Motor
- Basic Coding to operate touch Sensor & colour Sensor
- Basic Coding to operate ultrasonic sensor & gyro sensor
- Date: TBA
- Time : TBA
Title 3
Register For Your Upcoming Workshop
- Introduction about opencv library, images and it’s representation Reading an image using image library and displaying it Reading a video and displaying it Reading streaming video from webcam and displaying it Creating black image
- Age : 12+
- Time : TBA