Future innovators Kerala

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    Terms and guidelines

    1. Focus on originality

    • Your project must be a self designed prototype, created entirely by your team or individually.
    • Pre-assembled kits or commercially available solutions will not be considered
    1. Highlight Innovation

    • Project should reflect your innovative approach to solving a real-world problem or advancing technology in a creative way.
    • Clearly showcase the unique aspects of your work that set it apart from exist
    1. Submit Documentation

    • Each team/student is required to submit a comprehensive project report
    1. Hands on Demonstration

    • Be prepared to give a live demonstration of your prototype at the expo.
    • Explain how it works and its real world application to visitors and judges
    1. Evaluation Criteria

    Projects will be assessed based on the following parameters:

    • Innovation and creativity.
    • Practicality and Real-World Relevence
    • Presentation and clarity
    • Documentation Quality
    1. Team Contribution

    Each participant should be actively involved in the design, development and presentation process

    Stem Robotics
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